Friday, May 11, 2012

The Last Night

Mike, our KOA guy and buddy from Minnesota: "Get out of here as fast as you can!"

 A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. --Lao Tzu

The days have just flown by (har har) since I last chronicled our misadventures in Rawlins. We have seen some nature here and there. There's gophers:

And looky there: a birch tree! And Scott got all excited about some dandelions that came out where our water spigot was because of all the water we've been using!

Yesterday was a wild storm day. It got so windy that Scott freaked, yanked the trailer around at a 180, and hooked it up to Vanita so that it wouldn't blow over.

 Last night, Scott and I sat and listened to Pema Chodron, the Buddhist nun, talk about meditating and "not scratching," just being present. Being unable to sit still, I worked on Scampi's curtains, which currently have a button theme pretty much.

Scott told me he had to get a spider out of the men's bathroom. All he could think of was how it needed to escape. He also poured water around the poor little tree. I am married to St. Francis.

Today was the Big Day. First, while I worked, Scott hiked down to the print shop so that I could get about 100 pages of student work printed out. (I don't have to be online.) So looking forward to that.

I was absorbed in a discussion on dharma with the myth class when Scott came back. Unfortunately, this then evolved into a two-hour thrash with AT&T over trying to figure out why they can't set me up with an online account. I was bumped up to level 3 and had to hang up to return to it another time. Joy! (Part of this is that I get a union discount that they haven't wanted to apply.)

But then: Deliverance arrived in a cloud of silver glory. (Our friend Dave said just to make sure not to get brown. That's as far as I'm going with that one.)

One of the drivers was my age and from Connecticut, so we got into it--such a familiar hard luck story of pension revoked, moving out here to be near grandkids, sickness, inability to find work due to age.

Scott managed to nab a mistake (hmm, maybe) and saved us $800! They said they double charged for the trailer hitch, but that doesn't quite add up. And this was the GOOD car dealer. Sigh.

Scotty watched every little thing--I'm horrible at that as you all know unless it's editing. So we seem to have done alright.

Deliverance drives beautifully, and the stow and go seats are very cool, but I have to say that Vanita had more comfy seats and less plastic. Of course, she was a classic. I got all emotional when our tow truck buddy, Dave Keller, came to pick her up and give us some traveling money. He'd been up to Casper for his wife's doctor's appointment and then found that the doc wasn't there.

Dave Keller, our towing buddy. RIP Vanita.

Bye bye, Vanita! Sob! (Great video to come, maybe.)

Tonight some huge trucks pulled up with pictures of motorcycles and flame and crosses. I think we're getting out of here just in time.

But Deliverance is packed and we are ready to go! We're planning to head out in the morning and go do us a truck stop breakfast, but down the road from here. Maybe in Rock Ride--I mean, Rock Springs. We plan to be out of Wyoming tomorrow! (However, we now that plans make fate laugh.)

As Uncle Dave Macon would say, "Hallelujah Glory! Palms of victory! Deliverance will come!"

(Blogger is not letting me embed this. In fact, more pictures will have to come later since all the big honkin' motorhomes are sucking down all the bandwidth.)

(I'm learning this tune.)

1 comment:

  1. Your new van is named Deliverance? Well, stay out of the Cahulawassee River Valley, OK?
