Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's Just Money, Honey!

Monday was a work day for me, and we waited and waited to see the used 2005 Town and Country van. What a let down! It was a gutless wonder. Great turning radius, and it was cool to cruise around town and see that there are nicer parts of town. I don't say "nice."

We both agreed that gutless up a small hill was not for us.

The kind Kevin who wanted to sell it to us did take us to the store and we bought all kinds of apocalyptic canned things so that we could hold out. We even found organic lettuce and carrots. My bowels started singing, "Hallelujah!"

Horrible night--both of us hacking away with the colds. Not much sleep, but hey, for five seconds, I've caught up with New Yorkers and am really enjoying the new Egyptian Myth book! Hope my class likes it this fall!

But today, Tuesday, we had a dreamy, sunny, warm day. It's our summer! At least until August. But the big breakthrough was deciding we were just gonna have to be irresponsible and buy a new Dodge Caravan. Consider skipping the next boring paragraph.

The DC is actually the way to go if you're towing a little trailer--better than the Toyota or Odyssey, lots cheaper. Bigger engine, better torque. I never thought I was going to Car College, but I just have.

OK. So...we got this cool bidding war started between Jason in Rawlins and Virgil in Fort Collins. (I congratulated Virgil on his Roman name.) Scott and I have this deal: I start the ball rolling and then he jumps in to micromanage. It doesn't always work for us, but with this stuff, it really has.
We both got flurries of emails, phone calls, I worked on school, and then took breaks out in the sun with T-Lou. He's pretty happy and has his routine down now.

Scott and I even had a fun C tunes break and I noticed how pretty some of the little ground covers and our poor tree and the chem trails looked.

Now, as it grows dark, we look forward to clinching the deal tomorrow and then entering a life of penury. We're both coughing. And it will have been one week tomorrow! Supposed to be 75 degrees tomorrow, then lower eighties on Thursday. Low wind. Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. On the road again ... da da da da da da da road again...
